Monday, April 18, 2011


I’m sorry for my lack of updating this blog. I honestly haven’t done much of anything that I feel is blog worthy. I’ve been busy with school and occasionally hitting up the local coffee shop during the week. But today is Thursday, which means it’s entercambio night. Every Thursday for the past 5 weeks I’ve been meeting up with a bunch of students from my school who Im suppose to be practicing my Spanish/English and interact with other students. To be quite honest, I’ve haven’t really been speaking Spanish which defeats the purpose of these gatherings, but oh well. As long as I’m making new friends! Okay, so this Thursday, I did my usual bonding with my friends and new British friend, and afterwards went out at night with a few Spaniards (YES REAL SPANIARDS) I’ve meet at previous entercambio nights. We went out to a night club and danced and I ended up getting home around 4am. This might not have been our brightest idea since we had to wake up at 6:30am to catch our 8am bus to Granada. Oh lord.
 We're clearly having a ball.